CPRA is excited to share that the Master Plan Data Access Portal (MP-DAP) is now live!
The MP-DAP is a new interactive data tool and central location for all of the modeling data sets used to develop the 2023 Coastal Master Plan. The MP-DAP builds off of the Master Plan Data Viewer and is intended for those who already have a good grasp on the types of master plan data and their application. The portal allows researchers, academics, and practitioners of all types to be able to dig deeper into the data and select a variety of variables for online visualization. These images are able to be exported, or users can download the data and create graphics to meet their specific needs.
Data currently available includes land change, vegetation type (forested, fresh, intermediate, brackish, saline marshes [FFIBS] and vegetation community types [VCT]), flood depth, expected annual damage in dollars (EADD), expected annual structural damage (EASD), salinity, water level, and total suspended solids (TSS), with further data sets and functionality forthcoming. The portal also includes documentation to explain metadata, links to reference documents, and model geometries.
We hope you explore the MP-DAP and find that the portal further enhances data access and transparency. Please share this with your colleagues and others who might be interested. Should you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the MP-DAP, please email masterplan@la.gov.
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