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The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) was enacted and signed into law in 1990. Under this act, a multi-agency Task Force comprised of the Departments of Army, Agriculture, Commerce, and Interior; the Environmental Protection Agency; and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) of Louisiana provides oversight for selection of wetland restoration projects in Louisiana which are considered most beneficial to be designed, constructed, and monitored to the degree that funding allows. The purpose of this Solicitation is to seek out those scientists in Louisiana public universities who are interested in serving as the CWPPRA Academic Advisory Group (AAG) Chairman, which includes participation on regional planning teams and the CWPPRA Environmental Workgroup.

CWPPRA project development and funding is a transparent public process that involves regular public meetings and publicly accessible program documentation. The public is engaged and understands CWPPRA’s well-honed process of selecting and designing projects. Although larger restoration programs exist, CWPPRA is an established process that has successfully completed coastal restoration projects for over 30 years.

The CWPPRA program receives $80-85 M annually in federal funds. Since its inception, the program has constructed over 100 projects, totaling an investment of over one billion dollars. Additional projects are in Engineering and Design, and design has been completed for several more authorized projects waiting for approval for construction.

University scientists have made major contributions to understanding the nature and cause of coastal wetland loss in Louisiana and have been instrumental in promoting public awareness. The expertise and skills of the university community are recognized by the Task Force as valuable to many aspects of the planning effort. Formal assistance was sought for the first time in 1994, and the success of this effort has resulted in subsequent solicitations for input.

The purpose of this Solicitation is to seek out those scientists in Louisiana state universities who are interested in assisting the Task Force as chairman of the CWPPRA Academic Advisory Group. Appropriate fields of expertise include: Wetland Ecology, Coastal Geomorphology, and Wetland Hydrology. These efforts are supported by a memorandum of agreement between USGS and LUMCON.

LUMCON will contract with the institutions of the selected scientists to compensate for salary and fringe benefits on meeting days, some travel time and preparation time, and travel to field and meeting sites.

The deadline for response to this solicitation is July 6, 2023. Questions regarding this solicitation should be addressed to Terri Von Hoven at

Potential Areas for Involvement
The nature of the CWPPRA process is described briefly here. Interested scientists are encouraged to contact Terri Von Hoven for further details of the areas of involvement described below.

  1. AAG Chairman
    1. Day-to-day operation
      The AAG Chairman will serve as the Project Manager for LUMCON. And will facilitate execution of the main contract; draft subcontracts to Louisiana universities for implementation by LUMCON Grants and Contracts personnel; approve all spending, including subcontract invoices; and act as a single point of contact for the Task Force, subcontractors, and the broader academic community.
    2. Participation in Task Force activities
      The AAG Chairman will attend all Task Force and Technical Committee (TC) meetings.
    3. Review of nominated projects
      The AAG Chairman will lead the AAG in a review of projects nominated at RPT meetings. This review will be submitted to the P&E and TC chairman for distribution to the Task Force.
    4. Review of candidate demonstration projects
      The AAG Chairman will lead the AAG in a review of candidate demonstration projects. This review will be submitted to the Environmental and Engineering Working Group leaders for distribution.
    5. Review of candidate projects
      The AAG Chairman will lead the scientists serving on the AAG in a review of the candidate projects. This review will be submitted to the Technical Committee before their voting meeting.
    6. Solicitation of Interest
      If necessary due to resignation of existing AAG members, the AAG Chairman will select new members to participate in the AAG. A solicitation may be developed. It will describe the types of activities in which participation is expected, the selection process, and the contracting arrangement.

  2. Regional Planning Teams
    There are four regional planning teams (RPT). These RPTs select projects for nomination on the priority project list. RPT meetings will be attended by the AAG Chairman or a designated replacement to provide consistency in assistance to all four regions. The role of the AAG is to provide the RPTs with the scientific background for any planning activities within the region. The AAG will provide a review of all nominated projects to the Technical Committee at least two days prior to the coast-wide voting meeting.

  3. Environmental Workgroup
    The CWPPRA process includes Wetland Value Assessment (WVA) field trips, WVA group meetings, and meetings of the Planning and Evaluation Subcommittee and Technical Committee for final project selection. The AAG will provide advice and assistance.

    Task Force agencies will provide boat transportation to field sites. Aspects of the projects will be discussed in the field, and a formal WVA analysis will be conducted by the Environmental Workgroup within a month after the field visits. Most field trips will be grouped in 2-3 day periods during late spring/early summer.

Selection of Interested Scientists
Criteria have been developed to ensure that applicants are active wetland scientists aware of contemporary research in their field:

  • Employed at one of Louisiana's state funded universities
  • a Ph.D. or MSc. and five years of related research experience
  • at least two peer-reviewed publications on related issues within the last five years
  • at least four presentations at national or international meetings on related issues within the last five years
  • current grants and/or contracts to conduct research on related issues awarded through a peer-review process

All applicants responding to this solicitation will be evaluated to ensure they meet the first two and at least two more of the criteria. Final selection from a list of qualified scientists will be made by the Technical Committee and Task Force.

Response to Solicitation
A response to this solicitation should include a current 2-page CV (curriculum vitae) indicating education, recent publications, presentations, and grants and contracts. The deadline for response to this solicitation (e-mail) is July 6, 2023. Please respond to Terri Von Hoven at


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